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How to buy ATC coin?

First Method:- Easy way to buy ATC Coin

Step 2:- Deposit the money (minimum 5,000 INR) in company’s bank account by NEFT/IMPS/RTGS/Cheque (Cash deposit not allowed)
Send a Screenshot with transaction ID to 

Send the Deposit slip photo with transaction 

Second Method to buy ATC Coin :-

Step 1: Go to and make an account (Use “Digital010” in Referral ID)

Step 2: Provide your proper name as per PAN Card, email id and correct mobile number.

Step 3
: Make sure to use  in Referral ID : Digital010

Step 4: Deposit amount between 5,000 – 100,000 INR 

Account via NEFT/IMPS/RTGS and save a screenshot with transaction ID.

Step 5: Login to your account by going to Member login – SIGN IN.

Step 6: On the left side go to I Wallet Topup -> Topup Request. Fill all the details and Submit.

Step 7: Wait for 3-4 hours and check the status under I Wallet Topup -> Topup 

History until it shows “Approved”.

Step 8: After your amount is approved by admin go to Subscription -> Make your 
deposit and enter the amount in INR and“Proceed”.

Step 9: Next click on “Add to cart” and “Checkout”.

Step 10: Fill your details under Billing information and under “Select payment 

Method” select “I Wallet” and “Proceed”.

Final Step: Go to Wallet -> ATC Wallet to see your “Deposited ATC”.

  • In case of any confusion feel free to Call us on Customer Care No. : 090 2282 2282
